'An Attempt to Refine the Backyard'
A limited-edition series by Loji Höskuldsson in collaboration with HAY for CHART 2022.
On the occasion of CHART’s celebratory 10th edition and building on last year’s success with ‘The Aftermath of a Garden Party’, HAY is launching 'An Attempt to Refine the Backyard', a limited-edition series of 50 Mags Soft Sofas that feature embroidered embellishments in Icelandic artist Loji Höskuldsson’s signature poetic style.

The original, hand-embroidered version of 'An Attempt to Refine the Backyard' will be on view at CHART Book Fair at Charlottenborg Palace during its run from 25 to 28 August, for sale via Hverfisgallerí. In this period, it is possible to purchase 50 made-to-order reproductions of the artist's take on the Mags Soft Sofa via HAY House Copenhagen or Hverfisgallerí. The reproductions of 'An Attempt to Refine the Backyard' are factory-made in Europe as a numbered limited edition, and include a hand-embroidered label by the artist.

According to the artist, the sofa depicts “A spring cleaning day in the backyard of a building where all the residents set their arguments aside for a day in an effort to make their environment seem more appealing to outsiders' eyes. The cleaning only vaguely masks their problems."

"Spring Cleaning Agenda:
5pm - Throw away the trash.
6pm - Open discussion on what to do about the weeds.
7pm - ‘Vegan’ BBQ, bring your own food."