Pandarine by Inga Sempé

Inga Sempé’s Pandarine fuses the luxurious comfort of a bed with the versatility of a modular sofa. Unique to this sofa are its armrests, which come in two distinctive versions: one round and pillow-like, the other flat hinged and adjustable in the same way as the backrests. Unlike most plush pieces of furniture, Pandarine is also light and feminine, offering comfortable rest while remaining fresh and dynamic in its aesthetic.

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Pandarine 3 seater / uph. mode clavicle 009

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Like the flat-hinged backrest, the flat-hinged armrest option can also be adjusted, creating a fully-customizable sofa that can suit any need.

How would you characterize Pandarine?

Inga Sempé: Pandarine is a highly comfortable sofa, to be used in all positions, sitting straight, lounging, resting, lying down. It offers the possibility to put up or down the backrests. It is very soft, from the mattress and the backrests to the large, round armrests, which is not common for modular sofa.

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An early Pandarine prototype.

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Pandarine 3 seater / uph. mode 026 / petal uph. legs 

What was your goal when designing it?

Inga Sempé: My only thought when I design a sofa: it has to be comfy but not bulky, as most people live in small apartments.

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The round armrest contributes to an open, lounge-like aesthetic, with a classic silhouette reminiscent of traditional sleeping sofas.

Where did you find inspiration?

Inga Sempé: Beds are the most comfortable pieces of furniture that exist, especially if you add a large choice of pillows to fit all the positions you want to hold. Pandarine is meant to exist like a bed: a soft mattress, on which the backrests are like huge and soft foldable pillows. The armrests are like comfortable bolsters, where you can also rest your head if a nap is on the program.

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Pandarine 2 seater / uph. mode clavicle 009 / oiled walnut base

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Pandarine 3 seater / uph. mode clavicle 009

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